Environmental art park

International art in the river landscape, contemporary art phenomena in the heart of Ii.

The environmental art park located by the Iijoki river and the center of Ii, is a popular recreation area for local residents and tourists. Access to the park is free. 

Organized in every other summer Art II Biennale has been producing artworks for the cultural heritage areas of Ii since 2008. The environmental art park was founded in 2012. The park's works embody international contemporary art, ecological environmental and sculpture art.

Go ice skating in Ii art park 
A skating rink is opened in the environmental art park in the winter, where you can admire the park's artworks in addition to the joy of exercise and the Iijoki landscape. The track is about 500 meters long and about 2 meters wide. Movement is also allowed with a kicksled. In the dark, take e.g. a headlamp with you.

A separate path has also been made next to the route, which can be used by walkers, skiers and fatbike riders. 

To ensure a safe and pleasant experience, skaters are asked to be respectful marked turning direction and remembering the appropriate safety equipment.

Arrival instructions: The park is located in the center of Ii, next to highway 4, near the Ii River. The entrance and parking are located at Pappilantie 16, Ii.

Get to know the art installations, see the presentations on the map.