Lähde! -park

Go and enjoy the art and river scenery.

Source! -park has been completed on the Iijo riverside corner in Suvantola 2020. The park is located on the shore of the Ii health center, os. Suvantolantie 5, 91100 Ii.

Those arriving by car can use the parking area of ​​the Ii health station. Access to the park is from Suvantolantie along the forest path, behind the canteen building of the health center. Arrival and parking is also possible from the Ii job training center/Emmintuva side, os. Asematie 165 C, E-building.

 In the summer of 2020, Ii municipality's newest public art acquisition, Paula Suominen's ceramic work Strange Flowers, was also announced in connection with the opening ceremony in the park. 

The park was conceived and developed in 2017-2020 Lähde! In the project "Power from art to everyday life" in cooperation with the Oulunkaari Municipal Corporation and Art Center KulttuuriKauppila.

The project transformed unused shoreline land into a shared space for rehabilitation, a sense of belonging, and a more experiential, wholesome life. Some of the artworks or their processes were implemented with the participation of park users. Residents of the area, as well as healthcare professionals and clients, such as mental health rehabilitation patients, people with intellectual disabilities, and the elderly, have participated in the design. 

Additional information: 

Taidekeskus KulttuuriKauppila organizes introductory tours for groups upon request.
Jetta Huttunen, jetta.huttunen [at] ii.fi, tel. 050 395 0313.