The municipality of Ii and the cultural capital of Oulu 2026

The municipality of Ii is involved in the preparations for the European Capital of Culture year together with Oulu and 39 other northern municipalities.

Oulu's 2026 European Capital of Culture year will be celebrated with the theme of cultural climate change.
Cultural climate change combines culture, art and technology in a surprising way, creates encounters, new connections and generates interaction. Northern Finland will be the scene of European culture in 2026, and now is the time to elevate culture, cultural creators and artists to their rightful status and recognize the importance of culture to the vitality of the regions.

Ii is participating in the European Capital of Culture year with a versatile program: 

1. International environmental art event Art II Biennale

Kotoaki Asano: Frame&Thread / Art II Biennale 2022 (Photo: Jaani Föhr)


Art II Biennale has been an ambitious entity for years: it is the only event of its kind that deals with current themes, brings high-level international art and cross-border cooperation to Northern Ostrobothnia. Internationally, what makes the event attractive is especially its location ''far from everything'' - the unique northern life and relationship with nature are of interest to artists from all over the world. 

The Art II Biennale is also linked to climate-conscious thinking, which can be predicted to become even more prominent in the coming years. The Art II Biennale brings Europe, current topics, foreign cultures and new experiences closer, and thus also attracts city dwellers to travel more environmentally friendly to nearby areas. 

2. Climate Arena

Climate Arena 2021
The municipality of Pieni Ii shines as the central arena of the climate debate! IlmastoAreena is Finland's most significant climate festival, the goal of which is to bring all voices to be heard: decision-makers, the business world, activists, researchers and citizens.

Climate change affects us all. Climate Arena investigates and shares solutions related to climate change in all areas of life and ensures that the journey towards a carbon-neutral society also takes place in a socially sustainable way. Areena deals with climate change in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary manner. Citizen decision-makers and activists are also invited to the discussion. IlmastoAreena especially brings together the rural and peripheral regions of Europe to discuss common problems and solutions.

3. A food culture event that combines art, hospitality and local food culture

Illustration breads.

The event is part of the Arctic Food Lab program. A food culture event built around community, local food and the traditions of Northern Ostrobothnia, which is based on the old market tradition of ancient times and the concept of local food, especially fish, and the hospitality of Ostrobothnia. Clean local food and well-being as well as sustainable food culture, for example taking food waste into account, are taken into account in the program. Natural products such as berries, jams and juices are an integral part of the concept. The core of the program is the seasons and the river and the sea as the northern food barn.

Food products are developed with local companies and the activity is tied to the development of agriculture and the revival of the rural taluk tradition. The people of the area, especially children and young people, are included in the development work, and cooperation is also made with the municipal meal service. 

4. Arctic environmental residency

Drop of the Troposphere / Art II Biennale 2022 (Photo: Jaani Föhr)

Art II Biennale 2022

The northern landscape and environment face the effects of climate change on the front line. The arctic environmental residency at Taidekeskus KulttuuriKauppila collects stories and works from artists of the arctic region and creators working with the northern landscape. Through the environmental residency, a series of new works will be created in the I environmental art park.

Artists and researchers whose work is related to nature, landscape or the environment are invited and selected for the Arctic environmental residency. In particular, we are looking for artists, researchers and creators who deal with solastalgia, i.e. sadness for a place, in their work. Placesickness means anxiety caused by a change in the familiar environment. Environmental anxiety and environmental sadness can also be understood more broadly as place-related anxiety produced by, for example, war or refugee status. 

Artists who combine art and support and artist-researcher collectives can also apply for the environmental residency. The environmental residency is implemented in cooperation with Content Office Waria. 

5. Lähde – residence

Leave the park.

In addition, Ii is involved in the SmartHospital project, where social art residency activities are implemented in a hospital environment. The Hospital Art Residency brings art professionals into close collaboration with patients and staff. The project is implemented by Oulu University Hospital OYS.

Ii is also the producer of the Snowflake production, where six European artists are selected to work in Oulu and its rural outskirts. The artists are placed in residencies and work with local communities, exploring people's lifestyles, identities and values. The project is implemented by Pohjoinen fotografekeskus ry.

The main themes of the events set in Ii are environmental thinking, community spirit, well-being and sustainable development. The implementation is based on Ii's strong international network of artists, well-being expertise and sustainable development expertise.

Additional information

In Iisa, Oulu2026 activities are coordinated by Taidekeskus KulttuuriKauppila.

Responsible culture producer Jetta Huttunen
tel. 050 395 313, jetta.huttunen [at]

More information Oulu2026: