Iin Röyttä and the pilot station
Iin Röytta is surrounded by a 3-kilometer long nature trail, along which there are boards telling about the nature and history of the area. In addition, the area has a quiet place, a hut and a place to make a fire, and a forest on Hepoharju.
In the port, the summer kitchen, playground, several places to make fires and groups of tables, a wooden deck and a swimming area (swimming stairs) are freely available to hikers. There are two large floating docks for boats, one small one and a steel pontoon dock for large boats. All piers are electrified.
Iin Röytta is managed by Metsähallitus.
- Discover the history of Röytä island, see more: luontoon.fi/iinroytta
- Current information Iin Röytä operators: facebook.com/iinroytantoimijat
Transportation services to Ii Röytta
You can inquire about transportation:
- Iceland, christian.talman [at] talmanbros.fi, phone 044 3617 219. More information and reservations: https://iisland.johku.com/fi_FI/kesaaktiviteetit/saarikuljetus-iin-royttaan
- Iin Meripelastajat ry, contact information: https://meripelastus.fi/ii/yhteystiedot