Cultural and historical route Ruustinna

The cultural landscape route connects Old Hamina and the art center KulttuuriKauppila.

The cultural landscape route named the Ruustinna route goes around the historic center of Ii from Old Hamina along Iijoki Taidekeskus KultuuriKauppila.

The route is 2 kilometers long and can be walked or cycled. There are guide boards along the route with stories about Ii's history, nature and life.

In the summer of 2024, three new guide boards have been installed on the route, extending the route in front of the Ii church (guide boards from the Ii church and Vesainen's statue) and a third guide board (uitto) has been installed in Nättepor's courtyard near the uitto statue. 

The environmental art park area is located halfway along the route, where they are located ART II Biennale of northern environmental and sculpture art the works.

The cultural landscape route that connects Ii's cultural heritage areas and runs along the riverbank is stunning in its natural scenery. It offers something for everyone; the special features of nature, local history with living stories, fishing culture and nature artworks form a delicate whole.

Ruistinta route guide board.